Dark Rose Miniatures
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This AK-Interactive set includes 18 acrylic colors especially useful for painting uniforms of the Napoleonic period, since it comprises various shades of blue – the color worn by most of Napoleon’s military units – as well as other colors that were extremely popular for uniforms like red and green.

Gabriele Esposito is one of the world’s most renowned military historians, specializing in uniformology; his interests and expertise range from the ancient civilizations to modern post colonial conflicts.

During recent years he has conducted several research projects on the armies of various countries and has published them across the world with the most important publishing houses and magazines active in the military history sector.

For AK-Interactive he is the author of the new series “Armies of History”, which aims at covering the most important armies of the past with complete but accessible analysis.

This AK-Interactive set includes 18 acrylic colors especially useful for painting uniforms of the Napoleonic period, since it comprises various shades of blue – the color worn by most of Napoleon’s military units – as well as other colors that were extremely popular for uniforms like red and green.

The set also includes special colors – like gold – that are needed to paint the rank distinctions worn by officers and NCOs

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